Results for «greatest performing arts»

Teatro a la Scala Academy

31m 59s

The Teatro alla Scala Academy has been at the service of the greatest performing arts in the world. The history of the Academy in fact goes back to 1813, when the Theater’s School of Ballet was founded. From yesterday to today, the Academy has turned into one of the most sought after training schools for artists, technicians, operators and managers in the world. Images, gestures and the words of those who have attended, experienced and organised the Academy, tell us all about its many activities

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53m 36s

Aurélien, a French Martial Arts Champion, discovers different wrestling sports/techniques from all around the world. He emerges himself during a week with a Champion/Coach in order to learn the basic rules of that new sport. At the end of the film, Aurélien fights with a local Champion. Meanwhile, with him, the viewers will learn more about the history of that wrestling sport and also about the country, the people, their habits and culture.

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